Mac os list wiki
Mac os list wiki

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  • SCO UNIX (from SCO, purchased by Caldera).
  • OPENSTEP NeXTSTEP on Intel x86, HP PA-RISC, and different architectures.
  • OpenBSD (post- CSRG open source type of BSD).
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    OS-9 (not to be confused with Mac OS 9).NetBSD (post- CSRG open source type of BSD).

    Mac os list wiki serial#

  • LainOS ( FreeBSD project, a tried version of " Navi" GUI from Serial Experiments Lain).
  • FreeBSD (Version of abandoned BSD with free source code).
  • Digital UNIX (later, HP's Tru64 for Digital's AXP 64- bit computers).
  • Coherent ( Unix- emulating OS from Mark Williams Co.).
  • Cromix ( Unix- emulating OS from Cromemco).
  • BSD ( Berkeley Software Distribution, a type of Unix).
  • A/UX ( Unix Apple OS from start of 1990s).
  • AtheOS (continued with the Syllable code-fork).
  • TRS-DOS, ROM OS's (largely Microsoft BASIC implementations with file system extensions).
  • mini-FLEX (by TSC for 5.25" disks on 6800 based machines).
  • FLEX9 (by TSC for Motorola 6809 based micros).
  • Flex (by Technical Systems Consultants for Motorola 6800 based computers: SWTPC, Tano, Smoke Signal Broadcasting, Gimix, etc.).
  • First IBM-PC had 3 OSes to start, UCSD P-system, CPM-86, PC-DOS.
  • Commodore PET, Commodore 64, and Commodore VIC-20,.
  • Business Operating System (BOS) - cross platform, text-based.
  • Apple Computer (first version was firmware with Integer BASIC later versions had Microsoft BASIC).
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    The first proprietary computer operating systems THE operating system (by Dijkstra and others).Master programme for Leo Computers, Leo III in 1962.Multics (project by Bell Labs, GE, and MIT).Incompatible Timesharing System (The Incompatible Timeshare System, made at MIT).CTSS (The Compatible TimeShare System, made at MIT by Corbato and others).1.3 Generic/commodity, non-UNIX, and other.1.2 Unix-like and other POSIX-ready systems.1.1 The first proprietary computer operating systems.

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